Frequent asked questions
- How digital date approval is executed?
All delivered PDF files are checked by the Pre-press department of Pervy Polygraphichesky for accordance with technical production guidelines and issue term of reference and creates screened layouts in TIFF format. Files in TIFF-format prepared for printing are put into production only after check has been made by the customer and approval via e-mail.
- Do you make color proofs?
The proofs shall be made at the request of the customer in our pre-press department. Our modern equipment for color proofing allows high quality sampling with imitation of screen type pattern. The system fits fully the standards for digital color proofing ISO 12647-7. This ensures sampling within minimal deviation of color differences according current standard. Our modern equipment enables fast output of inexpensive prints with high quality.
- Can you make some layout corrections before printing?
We accept for printing only agreed and approved files. Our pre-press division examines the data files solely for compliance with technical requirements and terms of reference for production of the run but not for content errors. That’s why Pervy Polygraphichesky can’t make changes in the files.